Bellevue School District

Advanced Learning Testing Application

Application window closes Friday October 18, 2024 at 4:00pm

Please only apply once
You will receive a confirmation email after you have successfully submitted your application
Select One:

Last Name must match exactly to what is in Synergy
If you do not know the Student ID or Last Name. Click Here for Parent Vue or contact your school office.

Student Last Name
Student ID

Does your student have a sibling currently enrolled at BSD?

Last Name must match exactly to what is in Synergy
If you do not know the Student ID or Last Name. Click Here for Parent Vue or contact your school office.

Student Last Name
Student ID

Please carefully read each question before answering. Please review each answer before submitting.
Student LEGAL First Name
Student PREFERRED First Name
Student LEGAL Last Name
Date of Birth
Students test at the grade level just completed.
Current Grade
Current School
Placement decisions are based on home elementary school. Find schools Here
What is your neighborhood elementary school
Primary Language
Enter Primary Other Language
Other Language Spoken
Enter Other Language Spoken

Test directions for CogAT can be provided in one of eight languages. Please select the language you want your child to be tested in:

If your student requires special testing accommodations, please provide a brief description.
Please attach a copy of the IEP or 504 accommodations page below
Does your student attend a BSD school through an interdistrict transfer
Parent 1 Name
Parent 1 Email Please provide a valid email address which will be used for communication of testing information and results
Parent 1 Phone (999-999-9999)
Parent 2 Name
Parent 2 Email Optionally, Please provide a secondary email address which will also be used for communication of testing information and results
Parent 2 Phone (999-999-9999)
Street Address
Have you enrolled in the Bellevue School District?
General Comments
Do you have another child who is enrolled at BSD
1. We need a Residency Verification Form (available   here)  and residency documents. To see what documents we accept for residency, please click   here.
2. Last year's report card.
Ensure all these documents are saved in the same folder, i.e., the desktop of your computer. If they are not, only the last item selected will upload.
Upload multiple documents by holding the “Ctrl” key and clicking on the document(s) to upload.
Once you have selected all your files, click Submit